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Call the STAR HOTLINE at 608-305-4601 for up the minute program cancellations due to the weather.

Weather Cancellation Policy

To protect the health and safety of participants, spectators, volunteers, staff, and equipment, the STAR Center will use the following guidelines and procedures during inclement weather scenarios. The STAR Center reserves the right to cancel or modify activities due to weather conditions. Inclement weather will affect programs and facilities differently based on field/location, availability of shelter, and the severity of weather. The STAR Center will follow the general guidance of the National Weather Service (NWS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and Environmental Protection Agency for air quality related incidences. Please call the STAR Center Hotline at 608-305-4601 for program cancellation information

Weather Policy

Member Code of Conduct

We ask that all members abide by our code of conduct to assure the safety of all and to make  STAR a welcoming supportive community.

The Sports, Therapeutic, and Adaptive Recreation (STAR) Association requires that participants conduct themselves in a safe and respectful manner to help maintain a fun and comfortable environment throughout the program/event. The Code of Conduct is intended to help provide a positive experience for all and applies to the duration of all STAR Center Programs. All event participants including athletes, staff, instructors, coaches and volunteers must read and adhere to the Code of Conduct

Participant Code of Conduct

COVID and Infectious Disease Policy

STAR wants to make sure all of our members continue to be healthy.  We serve a population that have many health challenges and are sensitive to the increase risk they may have for infectious diseases.  We ask that you be  considerate of others health risks when you attend STAR activities. STAR will abide by the recommendations of the CDC and the La Crosse County Health department regarding health related issues.

  • If you are feeling ill please do not attend STAR Programming.
  • Consider wearing a mask if you have a cough.
  • If you have been exposed to COVID please do not attend until you have tested negative.
  • STAR may require masks to attend in accordance to CDC or County Health Department guidance.
  • Please “wipe down” equipment with antiseptic wipes after use.

Equipment Policy

STAR is pleased to be able to supply adaptive equipment for our programs. All are welcome to use our equipment during our programs. You should not need to purchase equipment to participate in our programs. We have a wide range of sizes to accommodate individual needs. We ask that you use and care for this equipment with respect. You may be assigned a piece of equipment for the duration of the program session.

  • All equipment remains the property of the STAR Association.
  • All equipment should be used with appropriate safety equipment. (i.e. seatbelt, helmet)
  • Please notify staff of any malfunction or maintenance issues.
  • All equipment should be returned to their storage locations.
  • NO EQUIPMENT should leave the STAR Facility.
  • A deposit may be requested for personal protective equipment.
  • Short term loan for specific school related activity or senior photos will be allowed for members for a period of 7 days.

Safe Sport Policy

Safesport is a program to assure that youth and adults involved in recreation and competitive sports are safe from harassment, verbal and physical abuse and sexual harassment and abuse.

STAR abides by the policies of the Safesport Code of Conduct

It is the responsibility of all members to report any concerning behaviors or interactions to the Program Coordinator.  Some programs may require participants over the age of 17 to complete Safe Sport Training.

The USA Center for Safesport  offers the  “Safesport Ready App” which has resources for all ages on the recognition, prevention and response to abuse.

All STAR Staff and coaches do yearly training in Safesport and have had background checks. No volunteer will have unsupervised contact with a member if they have not completed Safesport or have had a background check.



Strength and Conditioning Area Policy

The STAR Center is an open concept design. The workout space is directly associated with the class exercise space.  You are welcome to use the Strength and Conditioning equipment while a class is running. PLEASE WORK QUIETLY as to not disturb the class.

  • Please DO NOT drop weights
  • Free weights with barbell must have a spotter present.
  • Please wipe down all equipment post use.
  • Please return all equipment to its rack when done.
  • Classes may “reserve” specific equipment that will be used for a given class.
  • Staff may request that air ergs (Rowing and Ski Erg) not be used during class because of noise.
  • The strength and condition spaces will be closed during the Brain and Body and Guided Exercise classes.
  • Children under 18 must complete the “Fresh STARt” program or an individual evaluation prior to using the equipment.
  • To assure safety STAR staff May require parental f mentor supervision of any member.
  • Wear clothes appropriate for activity, closed toed shoes, and no loose jewelry/clothes.

Supervision Policy

The STAR Center serves a diverse population. The STAR Center reserves the right to request that a parent, guardian, or mentor be present in the facility for the safety of the member, other members or staff. Further, the STAR Center may require a 1-on -1 mentor for the member to participate to assure safety of all. This may be a parent, sibling, guardian, caregiver, mentor or volunteer.

Parents should arrive 5 min prior to the end of a session to pick up participants.

Activity Risk Assessment Policy

The STAR Center believes in an individual members ability to self select programs they may want to participate in. Although physical activity is beneficial to your health, there are inherit risks. We each have a unique medical history and potential risks. The STAR Center wants to make sure it is safe for you to participate. Before starting any new exercise program you should do an ACTIVITY RISK ASSESSMENT by yourself and with your physician when appropriate. All Members will be required to complete a Declaration of Activity Risk Assessment . 

It is the responsibility of the member to alert the staff of any potential medical issues or precautions that have been recommended by their physician. Our goal is to allow all to participate with the maximum of safety and to decrease risks.

If a member experiences a significant medical episode such as a stroke, seizure, head injury, surgery or hospitalization, the STAR Staff may request an updated Declaration of Activity Risk Assessment  prior to returning to programs.

Declaration of Activity Risk Assessment

The PHYSICAL ACTIVITY READINESS QUESTIONNAIRE (PAR-Q) is a self assessment tool that can be used for self evaluation. This questionnaire is endorsed by the American College of Sports Medicine. The questions are not a complete medical history. The purpose of the tool is to identify potential issues that could make it difficult or dangerous for you to participate. These include issues with the heart, circulation, balance, medical, emotional and joint issues. If you answer yes to any of these question, it is advised that you discuss your situation with your physician. Most people can participate in physical exercise, but may need some modifications to participate safely.

PAR-Q Self Assessment Questions:

  1. Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor?
  2. Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?
  3. In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not doing physical activity?
  4. Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?
  5. Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be worsened by a change in your physical activity?
  6. Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs (for example, water pills) for your blood pressure or heart condition?
  7. Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity?


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