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STAR Center Aerobic and Strengthening Equipment.... A Closer Look
A Different Type of Facility

The Adaptive Aerobic and Strengthening Center has traditional weights, dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, resistance bands, and stretching aids. There is a weight lifting Smith Machine and rack. In addition there are many pieces of equipment that have been selected specifically to address the challenges that those with disabilities face.

Often this equipment is seen in medical clinics and rehabilitation centers. Many of the pieces of equipment will allow you to track your progress as you become stronger and develop more endurance.  Below are just some of the unique pieces of equipment that can be found at the STAR Center. Intrigued? Call us to take a tour and see first hand how STAR can be your first move toward an active and healthier life.

The Biodex BioSway- Many experience balance challenges. Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease, Post Stroke, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Multiple Sclerosis, neuropathies,  muscle coordination or just general aging can make balance a challenge. The BioSway makes fun out of hard work. The interactive “gameified” programs have been developed by neuro-rehabilitation experts to improve balance and proprioception. The programs can chart your progress and improvements over time.

The ProTone Fitness Machine is designed for those with limited upper extremity function. It can be used from a standard chair, manual wheelchair,  or  power wheelchair. The unique design does not require grip strength to work your core, back, shoulder, and arm muscles. The design allows for easy and independent use of up to 18 different exercises.

The VitaGlide is an excellent upper extremity workout for anyone. It is designed for individuals who use a wheelchair but others may use it with a standard chair. The VitaGlide gives an excellent aerobic /cardio workout but can also be used for strengthening. It is unique in that the motion is very easy on the shoulders and will not cause irritation of the rotator cuff muscles. This is a frequent issue for those that use a wheelchair. The machine can be used in a reciprocating motion, a rowing motion, or with individual arms. The VitaGlide can adjust resistance on each side independently. The user gets feedback with the amount of strength and work being done by each arm.  It is great for those who have one side that doesn’t function as well as the other.

The SciFit Latitude Lateral Stability Trainer is a seated elliptical trainer that exercises the muscles around the hips that keep you from losing your balance and falling. These muscles can be hard to strengthen if you have balance challenges or a side that does not function well.  In the seated position, the Latitude Lateral Elliptical trains both your heart muscles, endurance muscles, and strengthening muscles of your hips without the risk of falling. The seat is able to rotate and the step thru design makes it easy to get onto the equipment.

The Free Motion Dual Arm Inclusive Cable Machine is a wheelchair accessible cable strengthening machine.  The arm and adjustments are within reach of someone in a chair.  The arms are counterbalanced to allow re-positioning with one hand.  The controls do not require grip strength to adjust.  The controls have tactile markings so those with a visual impairment can use the machine independently.

The Kieser M7i Wheelchair Total Body Machine can be used from a chair, manual wheelchair, or power wheelchair. The dual work out of both upper and lower extremity limbs gives a great cardio workout and also develops strength. The foot and arm mechanisms can be used together or independently. The foot portion follows the standard  height of a step while doing stairs to have real world functional training. Strength and effort can be followed on each side to give feedback when one side is more affected by a neurological challenge. Leg stabilizers and grip assists help those with limbs control challenges.

The Concept 2 Adaptive Rower and a basic rowing machine are the same but the adaptive modification makes it possible to all enjoy a good workout and some friendly competition. The rowing community has embraced those with disabilities and has in person and virtual competitions.  Individuals may compete in different classification groups dependent on their disability. STAR offers different seats, hand grips, and one handed rowing adaptors.

The SciFit Pro 2 Upper and Lower Body Exerciser is a recumbent bike and upper extremity erg in one. This piece of equipment allows adjustments for limbs of different lengths or limited motion of the knee and/or elbow.  The seat is easy to adjust and can slide off to allow those who use a wheelchair access to a great work out.

Concept 2 SkiErg is a great cardio workout and strengthens the upper back, shoulders and core. It can be used from a wheelchair, standard chair, or from standing. By adjusting your distance from the machine you will alter which muscles are being worked. Like the Concept 2 Rower, there are adaptive SkiErg competitions both live and virtually. A whole adaptive community awaits you. Sled Hockey players and track and field athletes will want to get on this machine.  The more you work on this machine, the faster you will be on the ice and track.

The Matrix Leg Press is not your routine leg press. Those with disabilities or challenges to physical activity often do not have the strength, mobility, or balance to use a traditional leg press. Individuals may not be able to get into a leg extension machine or hamstring curl machine. The Matrix Leg Press allows the seat to be moved away from the plate and locked into position. The back can be reclined if desired. This allows the user to get on the press safely and start with their knees in a near straight position. There is a safety block to limit how much bend your knee will be allowed for safe use for those with limited mobility. The press allows small increments of weight increases so you can progress slowly without injury. You can exercise one leg at a time. By adjusting your foot placement you can strengthen your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves. A total leg strengthening machine workout with no fear of falling.


The SciFit Step One is a seated stepper. This is often a favorite way to get a good cardio workout. Leg stabilizers and  grip assists are available. The upper extremity  grips rotate to assure exercise comfort if you have sore shoulders. There are multiple training programs to choose from including hills, high intensity workouts, and strength.

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